Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The American Epidemic


  1. I like that you didn't black out phrases like "flat as" and "never leads to" in order to associate money with our lives in a more intense negative way. I think that the word "epidemic" was especially useful in conveying your idea here. The poem "Money-God" portrays money as something like a deity and ties in subjects like atheism and murder. One of the lines in this poem is, "The Beast is humanity." In your poem, you incorporated humanity's faults (in an economic context) by including these words/phrases: American life, national opinion, and common. You are both looking down on the human race and its materialistic values. The link to Money-God is http://www.poetrysoup.com/poem/money_god_449796

  2. The American Epidemic can be coupled with "Materialism" by Meg Howell. You cannot take a fashionable piece of clothing to the grave, and nor can you a new Ferrari. Instead of looking at new colors for your Apple Watch, look at its clock face, to see how long you have left on this earth. Spend time with the people you love, as materials are just that: materials.

    1. http://hellopoetry.com/words/60475/materialism/poems/
