Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why not every child should go to college

Why not every child should go to college

Vocational High Schools are the solution to one of our youth’s biggest problems; college. There are millions of students who were forced into college by their parents, driven mad with student loans, and ended up getting a job such as a plumber, electrician, or the hundreds of other professions offered in Vocational high schools. These students are most likely not going to get higher pay or special treatment because they went to college, and they will only have to carry with them loans for the next decade or so. It does not help that so many colleges have requirements, forcing someone who knows they will be a mechanic or a hairdresser, to learn about Homer and Linear Algebra. Although there is something to be said for exposing students to every opportunity possible, they are not going to realize their life goal during french two hundred. Our college system still strives to produce well rounded, collared shirt wearing boys, who know Latin and can recall Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, however we are then sending them into a world where you can not impress your interviewer with your suit choice because it is a Skype session, where manners leave no impression on your boss that wears a T-shirt to work. We are in a new world. In order to navigate higher culture today, language and math requirements should be replaced with computer navigation and taxes 101. Vocational high schools offer students the choice of their own future. They still can take calculus, French, whatever they want, however their core classes are centered around what their life will actually be like. It would be great if every child became a physicist or doctor, but not everyone is meant for that.. College should not be expected today, and Vocational High Schools should be looked to more often as solid futures.

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