Monday, October 13, 2014

Snapchat Remains Safe

3rd party apps are responsible for the leak that reportedly released elicit photographs, supposedly taken from the messaging service “Snapchat.” According to the BBC’s Dave Lee, “Snapchat” representatives stated: “‘Snapchatters were victimized by their use of third-party apps to send and receive Snaps, a practice that we expressly prohibit in our Terms of Use precisely because they compromise our security.’” Yet, Price’s article seems to insist that the users who had their photos leaked, who were in violation of Snapchat’s Terms of Use, are not responsible for this leak. Price included another quote, this time from Mark James, a security consultant at ESET: “‘For [Snapchat] to just turn around and say ‘It’s the users’ fault,’ does seem harsh.’” Price hints that it is the fault of Snapchat that a third-party app is insecure. However, if the users had been using the main, free Snapchat app, they could have avoided the release of their sensitive images.

1 comment:

  1. Snapchat users should be careful about what they post, but the company should do more to get rid of the third party apps
