Friday, January 13, 2017

Food for Friday: Thought for Food?

Introspection inspires motivation over time. Setting up intentions and creating a sense of awareness fall under the category of introspection, the examination of one’s inner self. These two concepts become motivation when you develop a sense of purpose. Motivation is defined as the moment when thoughts become action.

Image result for motivation

As written in the Tricycle magazine, being motivated is difficult but not impossible. By taking a few minutes to re-examine your values and dedication each night, you can achieve more goals and be motivated to set up new ones everyday.

Image result for find a job that makes you happy

The most important form of motivation is intrinsic motivation. If you're happy, you'll be self-motivated to improve, as hinted by the quote above. For instance, say you love playing the flute so much that you lose track of time when you practice. (That's a lot of time commitment.) Since you love playing the flute, you'll do it without anyone nagging you, and, as practice makes perfect, you'll become a better flute player. It won't feel like a lot of effort, too, because you enjoy doing it.

Avoid having the "New Year's Resolution Syndrome," where you set up goals that are fait accompli. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry so cleverly said, "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Follow through your goals; make them happen!

You know, maybe adults want children to explore various fields of studies, so that the children can discover what they want to do, continuously be motivated to improve, and, most importantly, enjoy life itself. Food for thought, thought for food?

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