Monday, October 13, 2014

How NOT To Talk To Girls at a Party

wikiHow has an answer for everything.  Their article, "How To Talk To Girls at a Party," contains three descriptive steps on how to talk to girls at parties, from making a smooth entrance to a graceful exit while still leaving a lasting impression.  Despite the easy to follow writing style and the compelling graphics, the article is absurd.  Step 1 is to "Strike Up a Conversation" by "getting noticed...introducing yourself...opening with a light topic... [and] making the girl laugh."    Going over, introducing oneself and then letting the conversation go where it may is just fine.  Step 2 is to "Keep the Girl Interested," which includes "asking a few questions...not dominating the conversation...being charismatic...[and] using the party to stir the conversation."  One doesn't have to "be" charismatic or anything other than themselves when they meet new people.  Step 3, how to "Finish Like a Champ," includes "leaving her wanting more...asking her out if things are going well...[and] making a graceful exit if things aren't."  The key is to just talk and let it feel natural, so asking a girl out if things are going well and leaving if they aren't especially is self explanatory.  "How To Talk To Girls at a Party" totally neglects the fact that interacting with other members of the human race, regardless of gender, never follows a simple 1-2-3 pattern as the article does.  Ones' social skills aren't gained from reading an article about how to be social, but rather from actually going out and being social.  Humans are interesting and unpredictable people at times.  Going out and getting real world experience in interacting with girls at parties will prove that no two female party encounter are alike and therefore put this article to total shame.

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