Monday, March 19, 2018

Reaction To Serial (99.9% of people find this article interesting!)

Hearing this podcast, this case of murder 😳 - a real life murder case - is astonishing, scary, and intriguing all at the same time. There are plenty of murder mystery books 📚 and podcasts out there, but the difference is that this situation is real and the people telling the story are also real. So, anything that makes the case more interesting or more complicated is not just a happy coincidence worked in by the author, it is all part of a real life situation. One can also be excited for the ups and downs that are to follow in this story, because, of course after a certain “interrogation” of a witness/key member of the trial, the falseness of the conviction of Adnan will probably seem most/less likely than it did just 2 mins. before. It's interesting also to see the thoughts of the narrator throughout the story because it really helps the listener to get into the shoes 👞 of the investigator. She goes back and forth a lot with her thought process in the way that she always has many doubts about the stories (that would help a case of innocence) that she hears, which is of course understandable, but often hard to have when he/she hears what he/she wants. Overall, it's important to listen to podcasts like these because they can open a listener up to so much more in the world 🌎 that they might not otherwise ever be exposed to, for example, a Choate student probably would not be exposed to murder at their high school.

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