Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gun laws and restrictions

Gun laws and restrictions have been one of the most heavily debated topics in the past couple of years due to all of the accidents that have occurred http://smartgunlaws.org/gun-deaths-and-injuries-statistics/. One of the main arguments made in favor of guns is that they can provide personal protection. Owning a gun is a way of “evening the playing fields” because it makes even the smallest child just as powerful as a six foot tall man. This is true however, the article below brings up a very significant point about how easy it is for guns to go from the hands of responsible owners to the hands of some not so responsible owners https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/sep/21/gun-theft-us-firearm-survey?CMP=share_btn_link. So even though there are good, law abiding gun owners out there, it is still too easy for people who are not responsible to end up with them as well. This is just one of the many reasons why gun restrictions need to be revised and strongly enforced. Because too many kids, men and women are dying each year from guns and so this is a very poignant point that needs to be addressed by everyone in this country.


  1. I strongly agree. In the past year, there has been a shooting at least once a week. This shows the dangers of our country. The 2nd amendment has been abused and something should be done. Although it may be okay for people in the military or "responsible" owners to bear arms, it is too easy for "unresponsible owners" to get a hold of these destructive weapons. I think you had a good analogy when you said "owning a gun is a way of evening out the playing fields." Overall, there is an excessive amount of shootings and something needs to be done.

  2. I disagree. Criminals who want guns are going to get guns even if they are outlawed. The black market has huge networks for illegal trade. Guns empower people. If guns are banned, criminals will have them and good, law abiding citizens will not be able to protect themselves. It is our constitutional freedom to own guns free a restrictions. Look at a place like Honduras, one of the most violent places in Earth. They banned guns but still have huge problems with violence.
