Thursday, November 6, 2014

A World Unknown

“Its mountains and valleys expose a new world,” they said with wide eyes. “It allows you to see into someone’s soul. Whether it is the positive things that give them joy or the bad things that hang off of them, dragging them down like bricks with every step. You have the ability to file through someone’s life, analyzing every aspect of it. It opens up a world unknown with its unique golden figure.” They handed it to me, glinting while reflecting the light from the window. I squinted my eyes avoiding the sharp light. “In the palm of your hand you hold so much power,” they warned, “there is no telling where you are headed. You may see good, bad or nothing at all. But be careful with this power, what is inside will surprise you.” I closed my hand as I tried to picture this world they were speaking of. Focusing on my breathing, I turned away anxious to find out what I would discover

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