Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dun dun dun

If the sunlight weren’t encircling it on the rickety dull brown table I probably wouldn’t have noticed it. But, there it was, of a creamy, fluffy complexion and poised in such a way that I worried it would lift up and lurch at me. I pushed the small table over in hopes that it might get up and crawl away. It slid off, landed lightly on the floorboards but made no attempt to escape. Instead it laid curled over itself in a state of paralysis. Satisfied, that it was not alive I grasped it between my fingers. Motionless in my fingers, it softly bent to the contours of my hand. One end of it was ripped, or maybe it was open on purpose, but the hole was big enough for me to stick my hand in. The tiny sack had nothing in it but I imagine it would be used for that. After looking inside I realized the magnificence of this object, I could use it for—ugh, what is that smell! 

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