Thursday, November 6, 2014

Knowing What You Know

Round like the sun, but black like the night, it stares back at me. I know such an entity is rare in these times, but it does not know. It seems to know very little, it could know anything. That is its purpose, to know a specific something. It seemed, or rather, it seems impossible, yet, here it is. I think it’s a wonder, a marvel. But the reality is that time has rendered it obsolete. But the beauty of obsolescence is that, doing what I do, it can be ignored. I can use the knowledge trapped in the blackness.

Like everything, this thing has a purpose, a goal to achieve, a message to send, an operation to achieve, a song to sing. It does so in a roundabout, but pure way. It does not lose sight of its own fidelity. This thing however, has a second face, another side , giving a completely different message from the same sender. Such an item, then, purposes a bridge from few to millions. It carries its purpose, its song, on its face, leaving it there for all to see. It is wonderful. It is marvelous. But it is one of perhaps a billion. So it is no wonder that I should posses several. It was born into brilliance, yet knows only the song it is meant to sing.

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