Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Where the Sentence Ends.

Where the Sentence Ends

There is a place where the independent clause ends
And before the next clause begins,
And there the paper gleams soft and white,
And a comma radiates burning bright,
And there a semicolon may rest

Let us leave this place full of emptiness
As we take a breath
Past the em dash and commas bend
Past the break where colons grow
We shall read with a tone that is controlled and slow,
And watch for where parenthesis and dashes go
To the place where the sentence ends.

Yes we’ll talk with a tone that is controlled and slow,
And we’ll go where the commas and colons flow,
For the periods, they mark, and the periods, they know

The place where the sentence ends.

I used and kept most of the language that Silverstein uses in the original poem. I made the sidewalk in the original into a sentence, and when talking about the elements of the sidewalk I put in elements on punctuation.  

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