Monday, September 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Between Two Ferns’ Appearance

In the presidential campaign, it’s important to maintain the right image.There are even jobs that dig up dirt on the opponent. When any juicy scandal is leaked about anyone, we are immediately intrigued and want to hear more. If you are denying the fact that you don’t participate in gossip or get pleasure from hearing it, you are lying to yourself. It is a guilty pleasure. If any past mistakes surface, it can result to losing supporters. When the controversial rumors break out, information spreads rapidly. In the case of “Between Two Ferns” Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama went on voluntary. The two people who have to maintain a clean image, chose to publicly embarrass themselves. Even though going on a non-PC, comedy show isn’t as monumental of a controversy as a sex scandal or having a criminal record, it still goes against having a “perfect image.” With the platform ‘Between Two Ferns’ has, many people gathered to watch how laid back and funny these serious politicians are. It may seem trivial to want to have a president with a sense of humor, but humor in the form of self deprecation can reflect on how egotistical a person is. In Hillary’s episode this trait was shown, especially because most of it was authentic and unscripted. If our president can recognize and admit to their flaws, it can translate to a president that’s able to do what benefits everyone instead of just themselves or only one group of people.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog post, thoughtful and mostly accurate. Who would you vote for if you were able to?
