Sunday, February 15, 2015

shakespeare's drought: macbeth and the environment

Macbeth is a degenerative character. Not only does he kill, but he progressively loses the trust of his friends, advisors, and subjects once he becomes king of Scotland. This concept of a degenerative path is clearly seen in NASA’s predictions of “Megadroughts.” According to NASA’s studies, there is an 80% chance that there will be a major drought on the west coast caused by the current degenerative nature of greenhouse gas emissions. Much like Macbeth if people do not actively oppose the problems, it will continue to spiral out of control.

In Macbeth, Macduff must take an active approach to oppose Macbeth’s tyranny once he takes the throne from Duncan. Much like Macduff does in act IV, people must actively fight the current climate change occurring on the west coast. Because Macduff did not realize Macbeth killed Duncan and was looking to solidify his throne, The casualties and consequences spiralled out of control. This is exactly what can happen if nobody is willing to cut back on the use of energy, and the emittance of greenhouse gases. These droughts will have a major and lasting impact on the environment.

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