Sunday, February 15, 2015

Similarities Between Macbeth and Putin

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s leader is currently considering a cease-fire in Ukraine that was posed by Europeans. On one front, he has few reasons to stop fighting and claiming new land, as the only major military powers in Western Europe, Britain and France, aren’t interested in starting a war, especially one with Russia. At this point, the UN, US and most of Europe are all desperately trying to stop Putin’s ambition for expansion, while maintaining peace.
This situation has some parallels to Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The first and perhaps most important involve aspects Macbeth and Putin’s mindsets. They are both paranoid: Macbeth because of the horrible murders he has been behind, and Putin, likely due to the stress and troubles that come with running a nation. Also, the two rule countries at war, and in each case, Britain is to a varying degree against them.
Another similarity is the despair of the citizens of Scotland, Macbeth’s kingdom, and of Ukraine, where most of Russia’s territorial struggle is currently. Armed conflict is damaging the lives of inhabitants: it has killed nearly 5000 civilians. Under the mentally ill King of Shakespeare’s play, citizens feel no allegiance to the kingdom. They are scared of their ruler, and eager for change.

Update: A peace treaty was recently reached, hopefully leading to a huge change of life for Ukrainians. Perhaps it will even end the more than 10 month conflict, with the worst relations between East and West Europe since the Cold War. Learn more about the treatie here:

1 comment:

  1. 14 days into the war in the Ukraine---14 days of ruthless crimes against humanity, including shelling children, hospitals, orphanages---Putin is more like Macbeth than ever. 'It will have blood they say: blood will have blood." (Act 3 Scene 4) Steeped in blood. Ruthless. Unhinged. He has gone too far to turn back. Blood begets blood. The crimes are too heinous to recount, and annihilation Putin's only true resting place. Despite Macbeth's bloodthirstiness, his disintegrating mental state suggests he has a conscience. Putin does not demonstrate any insight. Putin chooses to kill his own people. RIP world.
