Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Ruined Mind and Ruined Relationships

Land of Wandering by David Fedeli
        Macbeth has a recurring theme of death. Not only is the theme about the death of people around Macbeth, but also the death of former relationships and kingdoms. In David Fedeli’s painting, “Land of the Wandering,” there is man walking back to what seems to be ruins. As a connection to Macbeth, there is the death of his rule, his family, his former friends, and trust. As Macbeth goes on, Macbeth orders people to be executed. Some that were close to him, but they were seen as the enemy. They were seen as a threat to his gain in power as time went on. This was the serial killing of people, relationships, and the fall of a formerly strong kingdom.
            This painting could foreshadow what Macbeth sees as he is dying. It could be interpreted as Macbeth trying to return home thinking that there will be people waiting for his arrival, but in reality there is no one there because of his ruined relationships with those he was once close with. He is waking up after death, as he walks into to the deserted land of wandering. It’s a place where he will be lonely, ridden with the thought of all the people he killed just to have as much power as possible. A place made just for him to experience what it’s like to be left with nothing. A place where he will be in continuous isolation and self reflecting, because of the greed for power and a fear of people getting in his way.

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