Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Perpetuation of Racial Stereotypes through the Media

The film Ethnic Notions clarifies the term “racism”, and helps the viewer to better understand the roots of racism. The film illustrates the terrible extent to which blacks and people of color have been oppressed throughout history. The term “reverse racism” is often used informally. Some people are even angry that ‘racism against whites’ is not given enough attention. This film is an explanation of why ‘reverse racism’ is not real, and why it is impossible for white people to experience racism. As the minority and the group with less privilege and power, it is simply not possible for black people to have enough influence on society to oppress the white race. The film Ethnic Notions  illustrates the roots of racial discrimination against blacks that go so far back that they are still in the process of being moved past. This film shows how damaging racial stereotypes are, and explains how the media and everyday language can perpetuate these damaging labels.
Ethnic Notions reveals how language in the media perpetuates destructive racial stereotypes. For example, in the past, cartoons have been a way to sustain racial stereotypes. The main audience of cartoons is children: people at their most impressionable stage. Therefore, the makers of cartoons have the power to put certain racial notions into the viewer’s heads at a young age. Furthermore, cartoons have been a powerful way to perpetuate racial stereotypes because the stereotypical physical and behavioural aspects of the characters can magnified through the drawings and script. Ethnic Notions warns the viewer about how impressionable the media can be in terms of sustaining racial stereotypes. This film reminds the viewer of how important it is to be educated so that the media cannot make a negative impression on them.

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