Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Acceptance, a Word at a Time

Communicating effectively is important; while talking with a foreigner and when communicating with a different cultures within a common language. Language is incredibly important because words hold meaning in our society; words have the possibility to complement, inform, offend and provide insight into who someone is as a person. The use of language puts a responsibility on humans to understand and be held accountable for our words. Ignorance is no excuse; for the words people say have bearing upon the rest of the world, even when the contribution seems insignificant. Through simple words and phrases one can offend whole groups of people and perpetuate stereotypes. For example the phrase "that is gay,” although seemingly insignificant when only one person says it, has had highly influential societal impacts especially within the homosexual community. The phrase "that is gay" portrays the homosexual community as if their beliefs and desires are wrong. Wrong enough that when one is compared to being gay it is an insult.  The inadvertent perpetuation of stereotypes needs to be stopped, it shapes the belief system of thousands against common cultures. However, only through the active pursuit of the truth about language and its connotations can one understand it and correct his or her speech patterns; for one can not understand the negative impacts of language if there is no societal repercussions to his or her words. Societal repercussions are the hardest parts to address; it is an incredible amount to ask of people to be cognizant of every word that comes out of their mouths. However, it is the duty of everyone in our society to address issues within our own speech and the speech of those around us and to educate others. Through the correct use of language the world would be one large step closer to the acceptance of all cultures.

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